• Marion, Indiana

News for IWU’s Campus

Indiana Wesleyan University is experiencing a surge of women in STEM, challenging
conventional gender norms in these disciplines.

Women have notoriously been under-represented in the field of science, technology, engineering
and mathematics. IWU’s initiatives and strong supporting beliefs are paving the way for females
in an academic setting.

Dr. Jennifer Noseworthy, associate professor of biology said she is proud to see the
advancements of women in the field of science.

“We have several female faculty representing each area of STEM, and I am hopeful more will
come … but we can’t ignore the fact that there is still an imbalance,” Noseworthy said.

Noseworthy said she hopes to see more women becoming successful, but also does not want to
discredit men’s hard work in the area.

“I just want everyone to be supported in any way that they might need. I don’t think your talent
should be based on your sex,” Noseworthy said.

Noseworthy said she has noticed a difference in culture from other Christian institutions.

“Something that is special is the strong Wesleyan tradition that we have here at IWU. We elevate
women in the role of leadership, which helps as a woman in STEM and as an academic leader,”
Noseworthy said.

Alongside Noseworthy, Jenna DeMichael, a math education major, has had a profound
experience as a woman in STEM.

“I’ve been looked down upon as a woman in math by many professors and teachers who do not
fully appreciate my capabilities. The key is to stay confident and to keep working hard,”
DeMichael said.

DeMichael said it is clear to see how the representation of women has evolved.
“The head of the math department, Dr. Wakeman is a woman and I love her. She is so strong and
is a perfect example of how strong women in STEM can be and how amazing it is to have here at
IWU,” DeMichael said.

DeMichael said the stereotype that math is just for men is inaccurate.

“Women are just as strong and can do the exact same thing,” DeMichael said.

Gracielinn Hill, an exercise science major, said she believes IWU does a great job with women
representation in the field of kinesiology.

“Men and women both equal each other out in this specific field, I would say the faculty is
dominated by women, but the students are evenly balanced,” Hill said.

Hill said she wants IWU to do a better job with training women for the real world.

“Most athletes are men, and as a woman, I want to be better prepared to deal with men to woman
boundaries,” Hill said.

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