• Marion, Indiana

News for IWU’s Campus

On Thursday, Indiana Wesleyan University’s annual Wildcat Week returned. The week’s events were hosted by Residence Life and open for IWU students to participate.

The activities began Thursday evening with lodge ball and ended Saturday morning with the Bowman boat race. Students and faculty participated in multiple activities including lodge ball, bubble tug of war, the show and the Bowman boat race.

“I was a transfer student last year and Wildcat Week was one of the first events I got to do on campus with the people that I had just met and started becoming friends with,” Makayla Keffeler said.

Wildcat Week allows students to deepen relationships with the people who live on their floor by working together to win various events.

This year, Carmin Hall was the winning hall for the women’s dorms and Martin Hall was the winning hall for the men’s dorms. The hall with the most points at the end of the week wins Wildcat Week.

“I always look forward to having fun together with the student body,” Keffeler said. “It’s a fun opportunity to just build relationships with people on your floor and in your hall. It’s a fun way to get to know people and just to have fun with a very large number of people.”

IWU’s Residence Life department oversaw Wildcat Week, but other IWU departments worked to coordinate the events.

ARD Hannah Hummel said that there is a lot of time that goes into organizing the events.

“I’m not going to lie, sometimes it can be a lot for an RA. I was an RA for two years and now I am an ARD, which is a nice break,” Hummel said. “They have to coordinate who is going to be a part of each event, and when they need to be there, how they are going to get them together and when they need to register… it’s just a lot of time.”

Wildcat Week had a turnout of both student and faculty participants.

“I think one of my favorite events is probably lodge ball. I think that one that everybody can get behind and all of the athletes really like it, and you can recruit them and it’s just a fun atmosphere,” RA of Scripture 3 West, Brooke Olinger said.

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